
Attention to those who use psychiatric drugs!


Stating that psychiatric drugs are effective tools that have been used for many years in the treatment of patients with mental problems, experts say that some psychiatric drugs can be addictive as a result of people using them "according to their head".

Stating that antidepressant drugs are not addictive, the psychiatry specialist said, "The person should not stop taking the medication on his/her own decision."

Explaining that there are subgroups of psychiatric drugs and that the most commonly heard antidepressant drugs are used in the treatment of depression, the expert said, "Antipsychotics used in schizophrenia are used in the treatment of psychosis. Mood regulators are used in mood disorders. Anxiolytics are used in anxiety disorders." INDISCRIMINATE USE OF ANXIOLYTICS CAN CAUSE ADDICTION Noting that antipsychotic drugs are also used in cases such as schizophrenia and mood disorders, the expert stated that these drugs should be gradually stopped within a plan.

Noting that anxiolytics are drugs that provide a rapid response in some diseases such as anxiety disorders, he said, "Anxiolytic drugs can be addictive as a result of people using them 'on their own' without a doctor's control and the doses gradually increase. These drugs can now be purchased from pharmacies if a doctor prescribes them. This prevents uncontrolled use. Anxiolytic drugs are usually used for a month or two. Psychiatric drugs are not used for life. They are usually used within six-month or one-year plans under the control of a physician."