
Artificial intelligence starts reading minds!


A group of scientists have announced that using only a helmet full of sensors and artificial intelligence, they can turn a person's thoughts into written words, NewScientist reported. In the study, participants read passages of text while wearing a helmet that recorded electrical brain activity through their scalp.

These electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings were then transcribed into text using an artificial intelligence model called DeWave. The DeWave model was trained by looking at a large number of examples where brain signals matched specific sentences.

WILL SEND SIGNALS TO THE BRAIN It has been recorded that when you think of saying 'hello', for example, your brain will send certain signals. By seeing many examples of these signals for different words or sentences, DeWave learns how these signals relate to the word 'hello'. Once DeWave had a good understanding of brain signals, the team connected it to an open-source large language model (LLM), similar to the AI that powers ChatGPT.

This LLM is like an intelligent writer that can construct sentences and is instructed to use the signals from DeWave as a guide to create sentences. Finally, the team trained both DeWave and the language model together to get even better at writing sentences based on EEG data. CONVENIENCE FOR PATIENTS With further development of the system, the researchers expect it to facilitate communication for people who have lost the ability to speak, such as stroke victims.