
The benefits of broccoli that most people have difficulty eating!


Broccoli, which was brought to the US by Italian immigrants in the 20th century, is grown organically in our country.

If you ask, "But why grow broccoli?", the answer is hidden in the components of this vegetable. Broccoli's natural components such as vitamins and minerals have great benefits for human health. From supporting against cancer to improving heart health, broccoli also acts as a real superhero for digestive problems.

The benefits of broccoli, many of which you will hear for the first time: It has rich nutritional values in terms of vitamins and minerals. It is a complete antioxidant store. It is the enemy of inflammation. It has protective properties against different types of cancer. It is the number one friend of diabetics. It reduces risk factors that negatively affect heart health. Broccoli also comes to the rescue of those who have digestive problems. It is the key to healthy brain function. Indispensable for a strong immune system. Broccoli is the way to healthy mouth and teeth. Strengthens bones and joints.

Reduces risk factors that negatively affect heart health: High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol and high triglycerides are risk factors that negatively affect heart health. The compounds in broccoli play an important role in bringing these values exactly where they should be. Its antioxidants reduce the risk of sudden heart attack. Animal experiments have also shown that it has a protective effect against cell death caused by cardiac arrest. Broccoli also comes to the rescue of those who have digestive problems: Digestive problems alone can cause many different ailments as well as being an uncomfortable situation. Digestive system problems generally occur due to insufficient certain bacterial communities. Broccoli's dense fiber and antioxidant-rich content ensures the formation and protection of these essential bacteria. Broccoli has a healing effect on inflammation in the intestines, as well as aiding easy defecation.

It is the key to healthy brain function: Especially with aging, mental decline occurs as our healthy brain and nerve tissue functions are damaged. A study of 960 elderly people showed that eating one serving of broccoli a day had a preventive effect on mental decline. A bioactive compound called sulforaphane in broccoli has the potential to prevent problems that occur when oxygen to the brain is reduced. A different compound called kaempferol has the effect of reducing brain damage and nerve inflammation. Essential for a strong immune system: Even if you do not have any health problems, you should always keep your immune system strong to protect against future diseases. The key to a strong immune system is vitamin C. The amount of vitamin C to be taken daily is recommended as 100 - 200 mg on average. When you eat one serving of raw or steamed broccoli a day, you will get the required amount.

Strengthens bones and joints: Vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and zinc, which play an active role in eliminating bone and joint disorders that occur for many different reasons and can cause many different ailments, are abundant in broccoli. These compounds are especially important for the healing of joint inflammation.

We have listed some of the known benefits of broccoli, which looks like small trees and is even richer than we expected. What we have described is for informational purposes only. As with all health issues, remember that you should get the most accurate and personalized information about broccoli consumption from a specialist physician.