
8 phobias that you can't help but say "Wow, who would be afraid of that?"!


The fear of certain situations or objects is known as phobia. There are many phobias, from fear of women to fear of the dark. Some of these are specific phobias and not everyone has them. There are others that you may know many people around you who have that phobia.

People who have fallen in love before but ended the relationship with an unhappy ending have difficulty in establishing emotional bonds when they come out of these relationships and begin to lose their belief in love. This phobia, which begins with withdrawal from connection, brings with it a sense of panic and fear.

The inability to trust someone again after disappointment is defined as pistantrophobia. Many people with this phobia acquire their fear after relationships that end badly. Of course, this fear does not only apply to dating. In addition to the symptoms of other phobias such as heart palpitations, people with pistantrophobia also experience some behavioral problems such as excessive shyness. Not to mention many other symptoms such as impulsiveness.

Fear of women is more than just a joke between friends. People with this phobia, which is not very common, are very afraid of women. There are those who never want to meet one, and there are those who fence off their homes to avoid seeing women. Below is the interesting story of Callitxe Nzamwita, who lives in Rwanda, Africa, afraid of women, as well as the causes of gynophobia. If you want to make sure if you have such a fear, you can also find the symptoms in our content.

There are all kinds of people. Some people avoid people, others never want to be alone. Monophobia is the fear of being alone. Many people in the world suffer from monophobia, the extreme fear of being alone. These people, who are also afraid of being ostracized, turn people into a protective shield.

Fear of the dark as a child may seem normal to many people. However, it is quite troublesome that it continues to increase in later ages. Nichtophobia, which negatively affects life, such as not being able to stay in any dark environment or even sleep in the dark, of course has different causes.

While some people are very attached to their relatives, for others the word "relative" is a concept to run away from. People in this second situation fall into the group of syngenesophobia, or phobia of relatives.

If you feel like fainting or even faint when you are cut, injured or bleed while getting an injection, you have hematophobia. It is not just seeing blood alive or feeling it on you, but even seeing it on television that triggers your phobia.

Don't laugh, but the number of people who run away when they see a clown is quite high. If you're thinking, "How can you be afraid of an element of entertainment?", you should know that there are many different reasons for this. From parents forcing their children to play with clowns to killer clown characters in movies, there are many reasons and some people's brains cannot resist this fear. You may agree with people who have a phobia when you see clowns who are so cute that they scare you when you look at their faces.