
10 effective ways to relieve ear pain!


From infancy to adulthood, ear pain can have serious consequences and should not be taken lightly. Ear pain, which can start suddenly and can be severe, can be caused by infections, allergies, air travel, diving sports or improper cleaning of the ear. Determining the source of ear pain is of great importance for planning treatment and taking precautions.

The most common cause of ear pain is infections. Middle ear infections occur as a result of blockage of the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the nasal area just behind the eardrum. Factors such as cigarette smoke, sinusitis, colds, heredity and allergies can cause obstruction. Middle ear infections are more common in children than in adults because the Eustachian tube in children's ears is shorter and horizontal.

Hay fever, dust, pollen and animal allergies can also cause ear pain. These types of allergies cause nasal congestion and discharge. As a result of blockage of the Eustachian tube, one end of which opens into the nasal passage, pain, a feeling of fullness and pressure in the ear can be observed. Allergic eczema in the outer ear can cause cracks in the skin of the ear and easy infection of the external auditory canal.

Severe ear pain can occur suddenly during air travel or diving. This condition is caused by the pressure applied to the eardrum as a result of a sudden pressure difference. The reason is that the ear cannot balance the pressure difference between the middle ear and the outer ear. This pressure difference can cause ear pain or even damage to the eardrum.

One of the causes of ear pain is foreign objects inserted into the ear. Ear wastes used to clean the ear should not be used, only the dirt that has come out should be cleaned. Pushing the dirt further can damage the eardrum. Hard earwax can compress the eardrum or external auditory canal and cause ear pain. Specialists can remove earwax with a simple procedure under a microscope or light. A strong blow to the ear or a loud noise, such as a gunshot, can also damage the eardrum. The eardrum usually heals itself within 2 months.

Contact a specialist in the following cases; - Symptoms last for more than one day, - If a baby under 6 months has symptoms, - If the ear pain is severe, - If children are sleepless or irritable after a cold or other upper respiratory infection - If there is a hearing difficulty, - If fluid, pus or bloody discharge is coming from the ear, a specialist should be consulted immediately. Depending on the source of the pain, the treatment method also varies. The methods that are good for ear pain are as follows; 1. Put a heated towel in your ear, make sure that the towel is not hot enough to burn your ear. 2. Use painkillers. 3. Avoid heavy activities and rest during this period. 4. Avoid smoking and cigarette smoke. 5. Protect your ear from the wind. Cover your ears with a hat or shawl, especially when going outside or near an air conditioner. 6. Do not put anything in your ear, including earwax. 7. Do not swim and take care not to get water in your ear during a shower or bath. 8. Do not use ear drops on your own unless a doctor recommends it. 9. Ventilate your room and make sure there is fresh air inside. 10. Drink plenty of fluids unless you have a medical disability. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. People with earache know how suddenly it can come on or how severe it can be. Depending on the cause, earaches can occur in one or both ears and can have different characteristics depending on the cause. Ear pain can be caused by the ear itself or by another problem in the head or neck area.

Ear pain can have many different causes and seeing an ear, nose and throat doctor is the best way to find the source of the pain. Ear congestion, poor hearing, dizziness, ringing or buzzing are other common complaints that often accompany ear pain. Roughly, the causes of ear pain can be listed as follows. Damage to the eardrum: Pain reflected in the ear: Tumors in the throat, neck and nasal region, aphthae, dental caries, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck region, muscle pain in the neck region, pain in the jaw joint disorders can also hit the ear.