From Tetris to the Moon Henk Rogers’ Bold Plan!

Henk Rogers, the mastermind behind the global sensation Tetris, has shifted his focus towards space exploration. After surviving a life-threatening heart attack, Rogers decided to prioritize important issues like the climate crisis and establishing human colonies on celestial bodies such as the moon.

While Rogers is best known for bringing Tetris to the masses in the 1980s alongside creator Alexey Pajitnov, his interests have evolved beyond gaming. Despite the thrilling origin story of Tetris, which has even inspired a 2023 Apple TV thriller starring Taron Egerton, Rogers’ current endeavors extend far beyond the realm of colorful block puzzles.

Recently, Rogers was amazed by a massive multiplayer Tetris game held at Outernet in London to celebrate the game’s 40th anniversary. Reflecting on his pivotal role in Tetris’ success, Rogers’ life took a significant turn after his heart attack in 2005, prompting him to reevaluate his priorities and shift his focus to pressing global concerns.

One of Rogers’ primary missions now is to combat the climate crisis through initiatives such as the Blue Planet Alliance and Blue Planet Energy, which aim to facilitate a transition to a fossil fuel-free future. He describes the urgency of addressing environmental challenges as essential, emphasizing the need to take immediate action.

In addition to his environmental pursuits, Rogers envisions a future where humanity expands beyond Earth, with aspirations of establishing sustainable settlements on the moon, Mars, and beyond. Despite the ongoing “billionaire space race,” Rogers remains steadfast in his commitment to creating viable habitats for humans in space, emphasizing the importance of long-term sustainability in space exploration.

Through organizations like the International Moonbase Alliance, which he founded in 2017, Rogers actively pursues his vision of a future where humanity thrives beyond the confines of Earth. By focusing on the practical aspects of space colonization, Rogers aims to contribute to a future where space exploration becomes a reality for generations to come.

Rogers is not currently in New York. He founded the International MoonBase Alliance to establish human settlements on the moon, emphasizing the importance of having a backup for life beyond Earth. The alliance, in collaboration with NASA, has conducted five missions where individuals spend extended periods in simulated planetary environments. Despite his lukewarm feelings towards President Donald Trump’s space exploration agenda, Rogers is open to potential funding from the administration. While he is occupied with various ventures, he still oversees The Tetris Company and monitors the evolving video game landscape. Rogers finds some modern esports games too violent and adheres to a personal rule of only working on games suitable for his own children. Although he no longer considers himself an active gamer, he occasionally indulges in gaming activities. Reflecting on his visit to Outernet’s Tetris installation, Rogers expressed admiration for seeing the game he co-created being enjoyed on a massive scale. In his leisure time, Rogers prefers engaging in racket sports for cardiovascular exercise, opting for table tennis in New York and pickleball in Hawaii. He enjoys the competitive aspect of physical activity and admits he requires gamification to stay motivated, preferring not to exercise at a traditional gym setting.


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