
French farmers besiege the capital Paris with their tractors and trucks!


French farmers will organize road blockades with their tractors and trucks in 8 regions around Paris. The road blockades, which will start at 14:00 local time, are expected to paralyze traffic in the capital.

The government has asked drivers in Paris not to use the ring roads unless absolutely necessary. Apart from Paris, the farmers' action continues in other provinces.

Authorities are advising citizens to travel by public transportation rather than their private cars.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has deployed a large number of police officers to keep the roads open, especially those leading to the capital's two airports and the "Rungis" market, where food products such as fruit, vegetables, meat and fish are sold in bulk to shopkeepers.

"A1", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A13", "A10", "A15", "A16" are among the highways where farmers are planning to block traffic with their tractors.Darmanin announced that nearly 15,000 police officers will be on duty to prevent the farmers' protests from disrupting traffic in major cities, especially in the capital.

Farmers unsatisfied with government concessions

Despite the French government's announcement that it has abandoned its plan to gradually reduce state subsidies for diesel fuel used by farmers, agricultural workers are not satisfied with this concession.The farmers decided to continue their demonstration on Monday as they waited with their trucks and tractors on the ring roads connecting Paris.

Maxime Buizard, director of the Young Farmers' Union, warned in a statement to the press that their demonstrations in the capital, Paris, would last at least five days.