
Former basketball player expelled from 2024 Olympic Commission!


Emilie Gomis, the ambassador for the 2024 Olympic Games to be held in Paris this year, has been removed from the list of members of the Athletes' Commission for the 2024 Olympic Games following a post criticizing Israel's policy.

It will be decided in the coming days whether Gomis, who once played for Fenerbahce, will be dismissed as the 2024 Paris Olympics Ambassador.

The former French basketball player is also a member of the Paris Olympic Games Governing Council. The French press states that Gomis will also be suspended from his other duties within the scope of the 2024 Paris Olympics.


Gomis had shared a post criticizing Israel on his Instagram account on October 9, 2023. In the post in question, there were maps of French territories on 3 different dates, 1947, 1967 and 2023. In the maps in the post, it is seen that the Israeli flag has replaced the flag of France over time.

Gomis used the expression "What would you do in this situation?" in his post. The former basketball player deleted the post a day later and denied accusations of anti-Semitism.

National media reported that Gomis would be removed from the Athletes' Commission for the 2024 Olympic Games upon the recommendation of the Ethics Committee of the French Olympic Committee.

The board had evaluated that members should be impartial and that Gomis' post on Israel's policy violated ethical principles.