Do you ever wonder if your state is included in the latest round of food recalls hitting the shelves of our local stores? It’s hard to ignore the increasing number of recalls that seem to be happening more frequently nowadays. In fact, there has been an 8% rise in recalls compared to last year. The reason behind this surge is not due to a sudden decline in food safety but rather the improved technology that allows us to detect potential issues and pathogens in our food more efficiently.
Whenever we come across headlines warning of “potentially deadly” food recalls popping up day after day, it’s quite concerning. This year alone, we’ve seen alerts for various products like chocolate, smoked salmon, and pancake mix. Not to mention the unsettling discoveries of metal contaminants in foods such as granola bars and mac and cheese bites. These incidents make us think twice before purchasing packaged goods.
To shed some light on the matter, a recent study by food safety experts at FOSS IQX delved into the states with the highest rates of food recalls. The idea is that the higher the recall rate in your state, the greater the risk of encountering contaminated or unsafe food items. This information might make you rethink your next relocation plan!
The study analyzed data from the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service regarding food recalls in each state from 2010 to 2024, including the common reasons behind these recalls. The top three causes for food recalls in the U.S. were identified as “product contamination,” “misbranding,” and “unreported allergens.”
By comparing these numbers with state populations, the study revealed the states with the highest and lowest recall rates per 100,000 residents. Here are the findings:
**Top 10 States with the Most Food Recalls per Capita:**
1. Vermont – 16 recalls / 2.47 per 100,000 citizens
2. Wyoming – 13 recalls / 2.23 per 100,000 citizens
3. Rhode Island – 24 recalls / 2.19 per 100,000 citizens
4. Delaware – 21 recalls / 2.04 per 100,000 citizens
5. Maine – 26 recalls / 1.86 per 100,000 citizens
6. Alaska – 13 recalls / 1.77 per 100,000 citizens
7. Hawaii – 25 recalls / 1.74 per 100,000 citizens
8. Oregon – 68 recalls / 1.61 per 100,000 citizens
9. Connecticut – 58 recalls / 1.60 per 100,000 citizens
10. Utah – 52 recalls / 1.52 per 100,000 citizens
**Top 10 States with the Least Food Recalls per Capita:**
40. Ohio – 97 recalls / 0.82 per 100,000 citizens