
Fashion icon dies at 102!


Fashion icon Iris Apfel, known for her unique colorful style, died at the age of 102. Apfel, who died at her home in Florida, became one of the most unforgettable names in fashion history with her maximalist style. Apfel, who transitioned from her career as an interior designer to the fashion industry in the 1950s, became one of the key figures of creativity and originality in style.

Born on August 29, 1921 in New York City, the fashion icon later founded a textile company called Old World Weavers with her husband Carl. Entrepreneur and fashion icon Apfel worked in the fashion industry for many years.


Known for his large black-rimmed glasses, Apfel had a style that was far from traditional style and broke the mold.

In an interview with CNN in 2018, the fashion designer, known for his massive jewelry and fondness for art, said, "I'm very passionate about what I do. I give my all to my work and that feeds me. I push myself to the limit until I can't do any more. Then I come back for more," she said.