
Farmer protest spreads to another country!


Thousands of farmers in the country staged a year-long protest in 2021, blocking roads and setting up camps on the outskirts of the city, again demanding guaranteed crop prices. 

In order to prevent a similar situation from recurring this time, the authorities have set up barriers of barbed wire, nails and concrete blocks in and around the capital and closed the entry points to the city. 

Police in India erect barbed wire fences at the entrances to the capital New Delhi to prevent farmers from marching towards the city

Police in India are erecting barbed wire fences at entrances to the city to prevent farmers from marching towards the capital New DelhiManish Swarup/Copyright 2024 The AP. All rights reserved.

Large gatherings were also banned in the capital, while internet services were suspended in parts of neighboring Haryana.

The renewed protests come two years after Prime Minister Narendra Modi withdrew controversial agricultural laws that triggered the protests. 

Thousands of farmers, who started their march from the northern states of Haryana and Punjab, are demanding a guaranteed minimum support price for all agricultural products. 

The government protects farmers against sharp falls in farm prices by announcing a minimum purchase price for some staple crops at the start of the planting season, taking into account the cost of production.

Farmers' unions are demanding more state support or guarantees backed by law to buy crops at a minimum price. 

Farmers are also pressing the government to fulfill its promise to double their incomes.

The withdrawal of the farm laws in 2021 was seen as a major step back for the Modi government. 

Farmers protesting against agricultural laws in India, pushing back against the government
Indian government and farmers protesting against agrarian reforms fail to reach agreement
At the time, the government promised to set up a panel of farmers and government officials to find ways to provide support prices for all farm products. 

But despite numerous meetings since then, no progress has been made.

India is heading into national elections starting in April and running through May. 

The march comes just a few months before the elections, in which Prime Minister Modi is expected to win a third term.

Sarwan Singh Pandher, a farmer group leader, said in a statement: "We will not break any barricades.