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Flip Maarschakerweerd, former Director of the Royal Dutch Archives, shared that he found satisfactory evidence that the deceased Consort Prince Bernhard was a member of the Nazi Party in his newly published book "De achterblijvers".

Maarschakerweerd reported that in Bernhard's private archives in Soestdijk, which he inventoried after his death in 2004, he found the original National Socialist Party (NSDAP) membership card.

Stating that he was surprised to find the membership card and the correspondence regarding the cancellation of his membership in 1936 when he was engaged to Princess Juliana, Maarschakerweerd said that he expected them to be in Germany because they were German documents.

In an interview before his death, he said he had never been a member of the Nazi party

When he found a note dated 1949 from Lucius Clay, the military administrator of the American zone in Maarschakerweerd, Germany, saying "Dear Prince Bernhard, I have kept these documents in my safe for many years. I was going to destroy them, but I thought you had the right to destroy them yourself."

In an interview shortly before his death, the Consort Prince said he had never been a member of the Nazi party and did not have a membership card.

Historians Gerard Aalders and Coen Hilbrink wrote in their 1996 book De affaire Sanders that they had found copies of the documents in question.

Dutch King Willem-Alexander had granted Maarschakerweerd access to all royal archives related to the war.

Editor: Albert Owen