For women specifically, Lake pointed out several crucial issues that the MAHA movement aims to address. Lake emphasized that exposure to glyphosate, an herbicide commonly used as a pesticide on crops, may hinder the body’s ability to combat cancer. He mentioned, “Not only does it deplete minerals and vital nutrients from our food, but it also removes essential healing elements that could prevent the development of conditions like cancer.” Experts warn that glyphosate, when applied as a pesticide on crops, can have negative health impacts.
Lake highlighted that a chemotherapy drug utilized to combat cancer is present in our food but is obstructed by glyphosate. The doctor suggested that local farmers adopt safer methods to protect their crops for consumer well-being. While cancer affects both genders, Lake suggested that fluoride in U.S. water sources could have a more pronounced effect on women’s health. Recent studies indicate that fluoride consumption can lead to lower IQ levels in children and harm the thyroid, a common issue among women.
Discussing the impact of fluoride on the human body, the doctor stated, “[Fluoride] decreases iodine absorption in the body, leading to an increase in thyroid complications.” Lake observed that thyroid medication, widely prescribed for women worldwide, does not address the root cause of the problem. A study revealed that children exposed to higher levels of fluoride exhibit lower IQ levels.
Lake emphasized that when factors such as fluoride exposure and nutrient deficiencies in our diet are combined with poor air quality, high stress levels, heavy workloads, family pressures, and financial challenges, the health issues become more noticeable. With elevated stress levels among American women, Lake predicted a continued trend of infertility unless substantial efforts are made to safeguard women’s health.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) disclosed a historic low in the American birth rate, declining by 3% since 2022. Severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms are a significant concern for many women. Lake noted that these severe PMS symptoms have been normalized, but he believes they are not typical or healthy.
Lake highlighted that many women’s health issues stem from lifestyle choices, including consuming inflammatory foods and dealing with chronic stress. Specific nutrient deficiencies can directly impact a woman’s fertility and overall well-being. Additionally, more American women are being diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), characterized by symptoms like irregular periods, weight gain, and fertility challenges. Lake underscored that an imbalance in hormonal pathways could heighten the risk of developing PCOS, often associated with insulin resistance as the underlying cause.
“Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can be associated with insulin resistance and chronic inflammation, resulting in a range of symptoms. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, PCOS is also connected to chronic inflammation, which can further exacerbate insulin resistance. Environmental factors, dietary choices, sleep patterns, high stress levels, and nutrient deficiencies can all contribute to oxidative stress and inflammation, ultimately hindering the body’s detoxification process. This inability to effectively eliminate toxins can have detrimental effects on overall health.
Women face unique challenges due to factors such as adrenal gland function, impacting hormone balance, particularly the production of progesterone. Making better food choices for the American population should begin within institutions like schools and hospitals, where decisions can be made to prioritize nutritious options over simply cost-effective ones. Lake underscores the importance of acknowledging the significant impact of diet on health, dispelling the notion that genetics alone account for health struggles.
Lake advocates for raising awareness on the profound impact of lifestyle choices, emphasizing the direct influence of certain deficiencies on a woman’s fertility and reproductive health. He highlights the body’s inherent ability to heal itself, underscoring the importance of hope and motivation in making positive changes. Lake firmly believes in the body’s innate healing capabilities, as he references the Biblical notion that our bodies are intricately designed for restoration.
Ultimately, Lake stresses that adopting healthier lifestyles can be facilitated with the support of governmental policies and corporations committed to producing quality products that promote well-being. Recognizing and addressing key women’s health issues can lead to a brighter and healthier future for all. To stay informed on health matters, sign up for our newsletter now.”