Discovering the Power of the Extraordinary Electric Eel

Electric eels (Electrophorus electricus) can be found in freshwater habitats near tree roots. Tristan tan/

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Many of us are familiar with using a 9-volt battery to power small household devices like clocks, smoke detectors, and toys. Now imagine harnessing the power of 860 volts – that’s 95 times stronger than a 9-volt battery. This astonishing level of power is what an electric eel is capable of producing.

It’s hard to fathom why any creature would dare to prey on something with the ability to deliver such a potent shock. Yet, caimans, which are part of the alligator family, are one of the few species that risk encountering the electric eel’s electrical prowess. In the video above, witness the impact of 860 volts on a caiman that underestimated the electric eel’s power. Continue reading to delve deeper into this new species and understand how electric eels generate and utilize such immense power.

A Remarkable New Species of Electric Eel

Electric eels are part of the Gymnotidae family, commonly referred to as naked-back knifefish. Despite their name, they are more similar to carp and catfish than traditional eels. These creatures can reach lengths of about eight feet and weigh around 45 pounds. Contrary to earlier assumptions of a single species, there are at least three distinct types of electric eels. These include Electrophorus electricus, the recently identified Electrophorus varii, and Electrophorus voltai, all residing in the freshwater environments of the Amazon basin in South America.

During field examinations, Electrophorus voltai displayed an astonishing discharge of 860 volts, establishing a new record as the highest voltage recorded in any animal. Previously, Electrophorus electricus held the record with a discharge of 650 volts. Electrophorus varii has also been recorded emitting up to 572 volts.

Can Electric Eels Pose a Threat to Humans?

Although human fatalities caused by electric eels are rare, these creatures can inflict severe injuries. Despite their high voltage output, the current (amperage) remains relatively low, estimated to be up to 1 amp. While the discharge may contain substantial energy, the eel requires time to recharge post a significant shock.

Nevertheless, there have been documented instances of fatalities resulting from electrical sources as low as 42 volts. Multiple shocks from an electric eel may lead to respiratory complications or cardiac arrest. Additionally, incidents of drowning in shallow waters following incapacitation due to an eel’s shock have been reported. Thus, it is evident that electric eels possess formidable defense mechanisms against potential threats.

Generating Electricity

Electric eels generate electricity through three distinct organs – the main organ, Hunter’s organ, and Sach’s organ – which collectively constitute approximately 80% of the e

The caiman featured in the video discovered that electric eels are able to deliver a shocking jolt even when not fully submerged in water. These eels have the ability to connect the positive end of their body, typically their chin, to a predator while keeping the negative end in the water. By doing so, they create a closed electrical circuit, preventing the impulses from being dispersed into the water, and instead directing all the electricity towards the predator. Such a concentrated surge of electrical power is sure to deter any creature attempting to prey on the electric eel. To witness this phenomenon firsthand, click the following link to watch the video. The article highlights the discovery of a new species of electric eel capable of generating a staggering 860 volts.


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