Discover the Ultimate Vacation Lighting Strategy!

As you prepare for spring break and summer vacations, it’s essential to consider what to pack and what to leave behind, including a clean and secure home. Besides unplugging various items, such as the coffee pot, while you’re away, there are certain things you should keep plugged in and powered on, like lamps and lights.

We sought advice from Chief Dale Watson from Mount Airy, North Carolina, known for being the birthplace of America’s beloved TV police officer, Andy Griffith. Chief Watson, a seasoned police officer, shares his insights on home safety to help you protect your property.

Exterior Lighting plays a crucial role in home security, according to Chief Watson. He emphasizes the importance of well-lit surroundings to deter unwanted intruders. Keeping hedges and bushes trimmed for visibility and installing both in-ground and above-ground lighting can enhance the safety of your home. Chief Watson suggests a combination of manual and motion-sensor lights for optimal security.

When it comes to the number of lights to leave on when going on vacation, Chief Watson advises leaving as many lights on as possible to give the impression of an occupied home. This practice can help fend off potential threats, and with the energy efficiency of LED bulbs, it is more sustainable than ever.

In terms of specific lights to illuminate, Chief Watson recommends focusing on lighting your foyer, kitchen areas, and powder bath to create a seamless flow of light throughout your home. Investing in automatic or app-controlled lightbulbs can help maintain lighting in your absence, but he suggests altering the timing occasionally to avoid establishing a predictable pattern for potential intruders.

By following these tips on exterior lighting and home illumination, you can help safeguard your home while you are away on vacation.

Neighborhood Watch: Building Stronger Community Bonds

One of the most effective ways to enhance your home security is to establish a connection with your neighbors. According to Watson, your neighbors can be valuable allies in safeguarding your home. In today’s society, the sense of community is diminishing, and we often fail to forge relationships with those living nearby. It is essential to invest time in building these relationships and getting to know your neighbors. By doing so, you can support each other and watch out for one another.


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