“Explore the Best 179 Trader Joe’s Products You Should Buy in Bulk!”
Tofu is a key component of my diet. While it is well known as a vegetarian option, its versatility is reminiscent of chicken, not in taste but in its convenience. Packed with protein and adaptable to various flavors, I always make sure to stock up on two or three packages of organic firm tofu whenever I visit Trader Joe’s.
I am particularly fond of Trader Joe’s Organic Firm Tofu, priced at $1.79 for a 16-ounce package. Its affordability and flexibility make it my preferred choice for preparing a fulfilling, protein-rich vegetarian meal.
Tofu’s subtle taste often leads people to claim they dislike it, prompting me to wonder if they have yet to experience it prepared correctly. With its firm texture, this tofu is ideal for creating deliciously crisp tofu dishes paired with flavorful sauces. At only $1.79 for 16 ounces, Trader Joe’s tofu is notably cheaper compared to other stores where prices can soar to $3 or $4 per package, making it an unbeatable option.
As an avid tofu cook, I have mastered a fail-safe method for achieving crispy tofu. When following a tofu recipe, I utilize this technique before incorporating the crispy tofu into the simmering sauce on the stove. This technique ensures that the sauce adheres to the tofu perfectly.
Here’s how I prepare Trader Joe’s Firm Tofu:
1. Preheat the oven to 400°F and line a baking pan with parchment paper.
2. Drain the tofu, wrap it in layers of paper towels, and press for 30 minutes to remove excess water.
3. Cut the tofu into cubes, place on the baking pan, drizzle with oil, and bake for 20-30 minutes until crispy.
I enjoy preparing soy-ginger tofu or honey-Sriracha tofu, serving them over rice and steamed vegetables. However, I also experiment with different combinations based on available ingredients, such as using spring mix instead of vegetables, pasta instead of rice, or adding avocado or cashews. For added convenience, I recommend utilizing store-bought sauces like Trader Joe’s Soyaki and instant rice. With crispy tofu as the foundation, you can never go wrong.
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