
Defense Minister accused of disclosing "top secret" documents!


Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak posted a video on his X social media account showing documents showing that the previous government planned to defend Poland only from the point where the Vistula River runs through Warsaw.

Blaszczak also posted photos showing the front page of the Polish Armed Forces' defense plans and documents labeled "top secret" signed by then Defense Minister Bogdan Klich, suggesting that the previous government was ready to give away half of Poland in case of war.

Jan Grabiec, spokesperson for the main opposition Civic Platform party, told Polish broadcaster Radio Zet: "The documents that Minister Blaszczak has released are documents prepared by the General Staff.

Emphasizing that such documents should never be disclosed, Grabiec said, "Using documents created in consultation with NATO makes Poland today completely unreliable as a NATO ally. How can internal defense documents be disclosed as part of an election campaign?"

Responding to criticism in a post on his X account, Blaszczak said, "The main opposition objects to our disclosure of plans to give half of Poland to the enemy. Poles have a right to know what fate you are preparing for them! In the event of a conflict, the Polish army must fight for every single meter of our territory and every single human life. You wanted to make Warsaw a frontline city."

The Polish news agency PAP noted that the Civic Platform will file a complaint against Blaszczak with the State Court.

In Poland, the State Court is the decision-making authority on the constitutional responsibilities of those holding state office.

The campaign period continues in Poland ahead of the parliamentary elections to be held on October 15 and the 4-question referendum.