Decade-Long Particle Survey Unveils Cosmic Rays Mystery!

New Study Challenges Existing Theories on Cosmic Rays
Sun Particles Revealed to Shed Light on Cosmic Ray Behavior

A comprehensive examination of particle and antiparticle activity throughout the Sun’s 11-year cycle has uncovered previously undiscovered behaviors exhibited by these particles. Cosmic rays originating from outside the Solar System bring these particles into proximity with the Sun, where they undergo transformations due to heat and other forms of solar energy.

There is speculation that antimatter may hold clues about dark matter and even the genesis of the universe. While the Sun may appear consistent to us on Earth as it rises and sets each day, it actually experiences cycles of fluctuation spanning 11 years. Scientists closely monitoring our star during the latest cycle have identified novel ways in which variations in solar activity impact energetic particles and cosmic rays.

The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) particle physics detector aboard the International Space Station (ISS) has been instrumental in advancing this new understanding, having observed countless cosmic ray events from its vantage point in low Earth orbit. In the pursuit of dark matter and antimatter, which could unlock secrets about the universe’s origins, the AMS utilizes magnetic fields to differentiate particles from cosmic rays based on their electric charge before determining their masses and energies. Segregating and analyzing these particles individually is crucial, as their behavior can indicate whether they are matter or antimatter.

An international team of researchers has recently concluded a survey spanning an entire solar cycle, revealing previously unexplored aspects of cosmic ray particle behavior that were not fully understood in previous partial cycle studies. Despite the myriad existing theories, none have successfully explained the relationship between particle quantities at various stages of the solar cycle and the corresponding types of particle interactions.

“The understanding of charged particle fluxes is pivotal in unraveling cosmic phenomena, such as the nature of dark matter,” noted the researchers in a study published by the American Physical Society. This knowledge also aids in comprehending how the Sun influences these particles. It was also discovered that the extent to which particles and antiparticles are influenced by solar effects hinges on the wavelength shape of their travel path. Wavelength shape is dictated by temperature, with lower temperatures producing longer, broader waves, and higher temperatures yielding shorter, narrower waves. As cosmic rays approach the Sun, the wavelengths contract due to particle excitation from heat, resulting in faster vibrations.

Cosmic rays entering the Solar System from distant galactic regions undergo additional transformations induced by solar energy, such as particle diffusion, convection, magnetic field-induced alterations, and other forms of energy dissipation besides heat loss. The occurrence of these phenomena is contingent on the solar cycle phase, as there are smaller activity cycles within the broader 11-year cycle.

Enigmas surrounding antimatter persist in the cosmos, hinting at a potential connection between antimatter and dark matter.

For example, there is a suggestion that antiparticles might have some connection to dark matter, although both are not visible to the naked eye. However, antiparticles can be detected, unlike dark matter which has not yet been observed. The origins of antimatter remain a mystery, and studying how these particles interact with the Sun could shed light on this puzzle. Furthermore, an upcoming enhancement to the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) could potentially reveal more insights into this intriguing phenomenon.

In a related study recently published by the American Physical Society, researchers emphasized the importance of understanding the effects of solar modulation on antiproton fluxes. They stated, “Our research offers a unique pathway for unraveling the complexities of solar modulation effects. Having precise knowledge of how solar modulation impacts antiproton fluxes is essential for elucidating the source of antiprotons within the universe.”


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