Hoda Kotb and her daughters ushered in the new year with a vibrant celebration. On December 31, the TODAY co-anchor took to Instagram to share glimpses of their festive evening. In the photos and video posted, Hoda, along with her daughters Haley, aged 7, and Hope, aged 5, exuded joy as they marked the occasion in sparkly dresses and tiaras. The trio posed with light sticks, grinning widely in front of balloons spelling out “2025.”
The room setting was awash in shades of pink, with the coffee table adorned with party essentials such as festive glasses and hats. Hoda captured a heartwarming moment on video, showcasing her daughters dancing gleefully with their light sticks to the tune of Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the U.S.A.” playing in the background. In her caption, Hoda joyfully greeted the new year, writing, “Happy 2025!!!!”
Looking ahead to the future, 2025 brings significant changes for Hoda. Having disclosed her decision to depart from her roles at TODAY back in September, Hoda is set to bid farewell on January 10, 2025, marking the end of her tenure as both co-anchor of TODAY and co-host of TODAY with Hoda & Jenna. Despite this transition, Hoda has expressed her intention to maintain her ties with the NBC family.
Teasing the upcoming farewell festivities, Jenna Bush Hager hinted at a series of surprises planned to ensure Hoda receives a fitting send-off during her final week on the show. Speaking on the December 18 episode of TODAY with Hoda & Jenna, Jenna shared, “There will be big surprises, lots of surprises that Hoda won’t even know about.”
As she prepares to step away from her TODAY responsibilities, Hoda eagerly anticipates dedicating more time to her family in the coming year. Of particular excitement for her is the prospect of walking her daughters to school on a regular basis. Reflecting on the simple yet precious moments of bonding and growth, Hoda shared an anecdote from her “Making Space” podcast, recalling a conversation with a producer who emphasized the significance of such daily routines. She expressed her desire for these seemingly small gestures to be a part of her routine, cherishing the opportunity to witness her children’s development up close.
This article was originally published on TODAY.com.