Ume, the Malayan tapir born at Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma, Washington, has captured the hearts of animal lovers online with her adorable antics. While still nursing off her mother, Ume, now a month old, is eager to learn big tapir behaviors, including “eating” solid foods like a tempting sweet potato slice. However, lacking proper teeth for chewing, Ume faces a challenge with raw vegetables. Despite this, she bravely attempts to nibble on the tasty treat, showing her determination and growth.
Observing her mother, Ume is picking up essential behaviors that will aid in her development. The zoo celebrated her milestone when she first started exploring food and hay. Although she is not fully transitioned to solid foods yet, Ume has made some progress, nibbling on softer snacks like bananas and lettuce leaves. As she continues to grow, she will soon master more challenging foods like sweet potatoes.
In the wild, Malayan tapirs have a diverse diet of twigs, shoots, fruits, and leaves. While Ume’s parents consume a substantial amount of food daily, including romaine lettuce, produce, and timothy hay, Ume is gradually adapting to a solid food diet. Once she transitions fully to solid foods, the zoo may need to prepare for increased grocery expenses to accommodate her growing appetite.