In the heart of Kaduna, a bustling city in northern Nigeria, lies Bala Muhammad's quaint watch-repair shop, where the steady ticking of numerous clocks fills the air. A time capsule from a bygone era, the shop is adorned with...
UPPER ARLINGTON, Ohio (WCMH) – An investigation is underway following an alarming incident involving members of the Upper Arlington High School swimming team. Authorities are looking into a distressing report that one team member allegedly choked another, resulting in...
Buffalo, N.Y. - Peter Gerace, the owner of Pharaoh’s Gentlemen’s Club who is facing charges related to sex and drug trafficking, used to live in a lavish 3,600-square-foot house in Clarence complete with marble counters, a gym, full basement...
A catastrophic fire erupted at the Ashkelon power plant in Israel after being hit by a Huthi missile attack with a ballistic missile of the type Palestine 2, as reported in a post dated December 25, 2024, written in...
With the broadcast-TV favorites on a holiday break, TVLine is analyzing the performance of each network's shows in the 2024-25 TV season. We started with ABC and now shift our focus to CBS.
Here are the average total viewers for...
When you make a purchase through the links provided in our articles, both Future and its syndication partners stand to earn a commission. Recently, Japan Airlines found itself grappling with a significant network disruption that stemmed from a cyberattack...
Spain is a highly sought-after destination for travelers from around the world, whether they are drawn to the vibrant squares of Madrid or the stunning beaches and unique architecture of Barcelona. With nearly 84 million visitors choosing Spain for...
An Israeli airstrike in the northern Gaza Strip has resulted in the deaths of at least 50 people, according to the Hamas-controlled health authority. Among those killed were five staff members of a nearby clinic in Beit Lahia, including...
Slovakia's Prime Minister, Robert Fico, has extended an invitation for his country to serve as a potential venue for discussions aimed at bringing an end to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. In a video message shared on Facebook late...
Jinjiang Group from China has come under scrutiny following reports from Brazil's labor authorities alleging that workers at a factory it is constructing for the electric vehicle manufacturer BYD were subjected to human trafficking and forced to work in...