Authorities are evaluating the extent of the devastation caused by Cyclone Chido, which ravaged the island of Mayotte over the weekend. This powerful storm, the most severe to hit the Indian Ocean islands in around a century, brought 124...
Following the severe cyclone that struck Mayotte, a tiny French island territory off Africa, France swiftly deployed ships and military aircraft on Monday to deliver rescuers and supplies. This cyclone, named Chido, is the worst to hit the island...
As per the latest announcement by Ukraine's drone forces commander, the country is now in possession of a cutting-edge laser weapon capable of targeting and taking down airborne threats at an impressive altitude exceeding 2 kilometers (equivalent to 1.2...
Seven foreign tourists have been hospitalized in Fiji after consuming pina coladas at a luxury resort, with methanol poisoning as a potential cause. Health authorities in Fiji reported that Australian and American vacationers at the Warwick Resort on the...
A shocking video captured the terrifying sight of a tornado tearing through a bustling shopping center parking lot in California during the weekend. The Santa Cruz Sentinel detailed the destructive force of the tornado that struck Scotts Valley on...
Missouri is on the brink of a significant change in its status as one of the most active death penalty states due to a simple reason: the state is facing a shortage of inmates eligible for execution. The recent...
The upcoming Trump administration could leverage its position to ensure that Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) demonstrates its commitment as a legitimate player in the Syrian landscape and no longer poses a threat to US or regional security, according to...
In the eastern U.S., more suspected drone sightings resulted in temporary airspace closures at an Air Force base in Ohio and arrests near Boston's Logan International Airport. Elected officials are increasing their efforts to identify and stop these mysterious...
After facing criticism, Vogue removed an article from its website due to omitting the Syrian government's atrocities against its citizens while highlighting a tale about a woman's luxury fashion choices. The story disregarded the use of chemical weapons on...
Efforts are currently underway to reunite students at the school with their parents, following a tragic incident that unfolded at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin. The school, attended by approximately 390 students ranging from kindergarten to 12th...