The mission of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is to safeguard North American airspace every hour of every day, all year round. However, on the magical night of Christmas Eve, NORAD takes on a special and heartwarming...
The royal family is synonymous with their penchant for giving humorous gifts, but it's safe to say that Princess Diana took it to a whole new level with a particularly awkward present she bestowed upon her son, Prince William....
A winter weather advisory was issued late Sunday for numerous counties spanning the tri-state area due to the looming threat of wintry conditions. Residents in the affected counties should prepare for the likelihood of snowfall followed by freezing rain...
The sun's outer layer, known as the corona, shone brighter during the recent eclipse. The moon appeared larger, and the darkness of totality lasted a bit longer, captivating millions of viewers across 13 states. Celestial events rarely command such...
A group of rebel fighters was dispatched to a village in southeastern Damascus to quell a surge of looting activity that had overtaken a residential complex, resulting in the setting ablaze of several apartments. This intervention by the rebel...
If Yoon continues to resist requests for questioning in the two investigations, investigators may seek a court order for his arrest. A joint team of investigators failed to deliver Yoon a summons to appear for questioning on Wednesday, his...
Amnesty International revealed on Monday that Serbia’s secret service and police have been engaging in surveillance activities targeting journalists and opposition activists. The watchdog’s report, titled “A Digital Prison: Surveillance and the Suppression of Civil Society in Serbia,” exposed...
The Department of Emergency Management in San Francisco has released a statement addressing the recent tornado warning that caught residents off guard. The statement acknowledges the understandable anxiety felt by residents due to the rarity of tornadoes in the...
According to a Polish admiral overseeing the Baltic Sea area, Russia is disrupting mobile communications and ship-tracking data, posing risks to vessels and energy supplies in order to test the response of Western powers. Vice Admiral Krzysztof Jaworski stated...
Dr. Naseem Khorram, a nephrologist based in Los Angeles, experienced a life-altering moment during what should have been a joyous time in her life. While undergoing routine bloodwork for her second pregnancy to screen for chromosome abnormalities in the...