
Cardinals Cut Crawford and Hope for Walker’s Second Coming

In a move that might have left some fans choking on their popcorn, the St. Louis Cardinals decided to send veteran shortstop Brandon Crawford packing. Yes, the man who’s collected more Gold Gloves than your grandma’s china just got released like an overplayed song. Apparently, Crawford’s glove wasn’t golden enough to keep him on the roster, so the Cardinals gave him the ol’ heave-ho.


But wait, there’s more! As if releasing a seasoned player wasn’t enough drama for one day, the Cardinals also decided to option Jordan Walker back to the minors. Because, you know, it’s not like he’s their top prospect or anything. The team clearly thought, “Why not mix things up a bit?” Maybe they’re hoping Walker will come back with some superpowers—or at least a better batting average.

The Cardinals seem to be in full “throw everything at the wall and see what sticks” mode, which, to be honest, might just work. Or it might not. But hey, when you’re playing in a season that’s already been a rollercoaster, why not add a few more loops?