British Shorthair Cat Betrays Mom with Automatic Feeder Mishap, Leaves People Stunned!

Your cat considers you their entire world, except for the 10% of the time when they are fixated on their dinner bowl. Check out the amusing moment when one cat ditches their owner the moment the automatic feeder activates. It’s a clear indicator of where their true loyalty lies. The cat mom was lounging with her cute British Shorthair when the betrayal unfolded – the allure of food proved too strong for her furry companion. The video humorously captures how quickly a pet’s affection can shift in the presence of food. Despite the fickle behavior, the cat mom sees the funny side of the situation. The clip shows the British Shorthair cozying up with his mom on the bed, showering her with adoration until the sound of the feeder steals his attention, prompting an instant exit. Commenters found the scenario relatable, highlighting their own cats’ food-centric antics. Automatic feeders offer convenience for busy pet owners but come with drawbacks like potential malfunctions and overfeeding risks. It’s crucial to monitor your pet’s behavior when using such devices and consider removing them if any negative changes occur.


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