Canadian author Andrew Pyper, known for his thrilling novels such as Lost Girls and The Demonologist, passed away at the age of 56 due to complications from cancer, as confirmed by PEOPLE. He spent his final moments peacefully at home with his wife, Heidi, and their children, Maude and Ford. Despite facing his illness with courage and grace, it was noted in his official obituary that Andrew still had much living, writing, and loving left to do.
Daphne Durham, the executive editor at Putnam Books, who worked with Pyper on his final books under the pseudonym Mason Coile, praised him as an imaginative and collaborative writer who had a passion for storytelling. His agent, Kirby Kim, also highlighted Pyper’s unique ability to evoke fear while touching readers emotionally. Born in Stratford, Ontario in 1968, Pyper had a lifelong passion for writing that led him to pursue a career in the literary world rather than practicing law, for which he had studied.
Throughout his career, Pyper authored 14 novels, including The Only Child, The Damned, and The Homecoming, which is currently in development for a screen adaptation. Despite his professional achievements, the obituary emphasized that Andrew considered his roles as a husband and father to be his greatest accomplishments. He took immense joy and pride in watching his children grow and succeed, cherishing family time above all else.
Andrew Pyper will be remembered not only for his literary contributions but also for his dedication to his family and his ability to bring fear and emotion to his readers.
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