With the decision announced last week, it announced that the space research fund will be allocated to the construction of a new potato store.

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The National Academy of Sciences in the capital Minsk announced that about 670 thousand dollars of funds allocated for planetary research will be directed to the agricultural program.

The remote observation project, spearheaded by the state agency Geoinformation Systems, aimed to create a network of satellites in cooperation with countries such as India, Kazakhstan, Russia, Venezuela and Vietnam.


Russia-controlled RT, Belarus' biggest ally, reported that "European state diverted space funds to potatoes."

According to the report, the Minsk administration has reportedly prioritized the expansion of the warehouse at the Tolochin canning factory in eastern Belarus.
The plant produces wine, starch and ready-to-fry potatoes.

The cost of the new facility, which will be built within the framework of state plans for agricultural development covering the period 2021-2025, is estimated at 720 thousand dollars.

Reportedly capable of storing 20,000 tons of potatoes, the facility is expected to relieve Belarus, which produces more than 5 million tons of this product annually.

Editor: John Wickey