While Yellowstone may be concluding, the Dutton universe created by Taylor Sheridan continues to expand. Originating with a show that depicted the modern-day Dutton family's dramas on their Montana ranch, the universe now includes various spin-offs. One of these...
If you were to ask someone under the age of 40 to define a valance, you'd likely receive a puzzled expression in response. However, this may soon change as traditional decor elements like the valance, also known as the...
Boost lawn establishment in spring by practicing dormant seeding in winter. Instead of waiting for spring to sow grass seed, take advantage of the winter months to sow cool-season grasses early. Dormant seeding allows seeds to germinate sooner, benefiting...
In recent years, there has been a significant transformation in our outdoor living spaces, largely influenced by the pandemic. During this time, there was a surge in the desire for porches and patios, a trend that has continued to...
As temperatures approach freezing, it's time to get your perennials ready for winter. Protecting them is easy with a few simple steps that will ensure your garden thrives in the spring. A little extra care now will pay off...
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is set to embark on a crucial mission to Turkey, aiming to address the ongoing conflict in northern Syria between US-backed Kurdish forces and Turkey-backed rebels. This diplomatic visit comes at a pivotal...
Somaliland's New President Sworn In, Pushes for International Recognition
In a significant moment for Somaliland, the breakaway region held an inauguration ceremony to swear in Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi as its new president. The event, which took place in the capital...
Rep. Nancy Mace introduced a new bill on Thursday to safeguard women and children from registered sex offenders in emergency shelters during natural disasters. The legislation, known as the Safe Shelters Act, is inspired by a similar policy in...
American citizen Timmerman's harrowing ordeal in Syria has sparked international attention and speculation after a video of his release was shared by Turkish news agency Anadolu. The initial confusion arose as some thought he might be the missing American...
In a high-profile meeting at City Hall, New York City Mayor Eric Adams is set to sit down with Tom Homan, the designated "border czar" for President-elect Donald Trump. The focal point of their discussions today will revolve around...