In a tale of resilience and survival, an 11-year-old girl, identified as "Yasmine" by Italian media, has been discovered clinging to tire tubes off the coast of Italy after the harrowing ordeal of her migrant boat sinking three days...
In a high-stakes encounter between French President Emmanuel Macron and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Warsaw, the focus was firmly on the pivotal role Ukraine must play in potential negotiations concerning Russia's ongoing war in the country. Following...
"FIFA's Blind Eye to Saudi Human Rights Abuses Raises Concerns for 2034 World Cup"
As the world eagerly anticipates the 2034 World Cup, concerns are mounting over Saudi Arabia's bid to host the prestigious event. Minky Worden, director of global...
Mysterious Drones Intrigue New Jersey Residents
Speculations and concerns have been swirling in New Jersey as residents grapple with the enigmatic appearance of unidentified drones hovering across Garden State skies. The puzzling phenomenon, which has persisted for weeks, has left...
In a surprising turn of events, Wisconsin's Republican U.S. Senator, Ron Johnson, found himself at the center of mistaken identity when President-elect Donald Trump nominated another individual with the same name for the role of ambassador to Mexico. This...
By Maya Gebeily, Suleiman Al-Khalidi, Ahmed Rasheed, and Timour Azhari
Syrian military conscript Farhan al-Khouli, 23, was disheartened by his poorly compensated and understaffed post near rebel-held Idlib. Struggling with only three soldiers instead of the required nine, some had...
The Hague, Netherlands - The global chemical weapons watchdog convened an urgent session on Thursday to address the unfolding crisis in Syria following the recent upheaval surrounding President Bashar Assad's regime. Concerns have escalated over Syria's cache of toxic...
Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva underwent a successful procedure in Sao Paulo on Thursday morning to address persistent bleeding on the surface of his brain. This intervention came in the wake of an unplanned head surgery earlier...
President Joe Biden made headlines once again with his recent announcement of clemency for a staggering number of convicted individuals. Following the controversial pardon of his son, Hunter Biden, the president has now extended his mercy to over 1,500...
Former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his wife, Bushra Bibi, faced a pivotal moment in their legal battle as a Pakistani court in Rawalpindi indicted them in a corruption case involving the alleged mishandling of state gifts. The couple,...