Shari Lewis's iconic lamb puppet from the 1960s has become an undeniable part of our dogs' lives, with variations ranging from seasonal outfits to oversized versions, tiny birthday hats, and even an array of different-sized lambs. Known affectionately as...
Lively's legal filing brought to light her concerns regarding alleged misconduct on the set of "It Ends With Us." Following her complaints, Baldoni enlisted the services of crisis communications expert Melissa Nathan and her firm, The Agency Group. Notably,...
In the realm of grime, crime, and laughter that could be dubbed a bygone era, it endures - albeit with a reduced presence of journalists possessing both the discretion and skill to uncover and report on it in its...
For a taste of Margaret Eby's latest book, "You Gotta Eat: Real-Life Strategies for Feeding Yourself When Cooking Feels Impossible," turn to the chapter titled "Anything's a sandwich if you're not a coward." According to Eby, all you need...
When the New Year countdown begins, my favorite place to be is on my couch, watching Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper on TV. I prefer staying in rather than going out on New Year’s Eve as it avoids crowds...
Impressing guests at a dinner party is easy with just a Mason jar and some heavy cream. My mother taught me as a child that these are the only ingredients needed for whipped cream, but it wasn't until I...
It's no surprise that Cheez-It aims to have college football fans enjoying its signature crackers throughout the season, with the brand's sponsorship of the long-standing Cheez-It Citrus Bowl on December 31 taking its love for football to new heights....
During this holiday season, many busy shoppers are turning to TikTok for unique gifts and collectibles. In addition to the TikTok Shop, users are tapping into TikTok livestreams for virtual personal shopping experiences, eliminating the need to visit physical...
South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) reported on Monday that approximately 1,100 North Korean soldiers have been killed or wounded in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. There are concerns that Pyongyang may be planning to send more...
In recent days, parts of the East, Midwest, and South have experienced chilly temperatures. However, compared to a cold outbreak in the late 1980s, the current weather conditions might seem mild. Today marks the 35th anniversary of a significant...