In a heart-wrenching tale of resilience and vigilance, the Covert family's harrowing experience with the flu serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vaccination. Two decades after tragically losing her 4-year-old cousin to the flu, Kaitlyn Covert...
Millions of people along the East Coast experienced the effects of a rapidly intensifying storm on Wednesday, with wind gusts exceeding 70 mph and heavy rainfall leading to power outages and significant travel disruptions along the I-95 corridor. The...
There are several reasons why you might feel off in the late afternoon and evening. Perhaps you're mentally drained after socializing all day, or your brain is exhausted from hours of work. If you woke up early, you might...
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has undergone a successful second procedure, as confirmed by his doctor, following an emergency brain surgery earlier this week. Dr. Roberto Kalil Filho shared that the operation, which lasted approximately an hour,...
In 2020, the U.S. Government Accountability Office published a report urging the Department of Health and Human Services to enhance federal data on the occurrence of brain injuries among survivors of domestic violence. Shannon Legeer, a member of the...
Mysterious drone sightings across New Jersey have been ongoing for weeks, causing heightened security concerns and frustrations among residents, military personnel, and various officials. While the state governor assures the public of no imminent threat to safety, other state...
President-elect Donald Trump is set to make a historic appearance at the New York Stock Exchange on Thursday as he prepares to ring the iconic opening bell. This symbolic gesture is typically reserved for esteemed figures in the public...
Continuing protests raise fears of escalating political crisis and potential shift away from the democratic West in a key U.S. ally on Europe's eastern edge, towards Moscow. The unrest in this country straddling Europe and Asia is significant globally....
Two Democratic senators and various environmental organizations are calling for investigations and accountability in response to a report implicating a lobbyist for Exxon Mobil in a hack-and-leak operation targeting critics of the oil company. According to Reuters, over 500...
In a significant move to address historical injustices, the British government has announced a compensation program for military veterans who faced discrimination due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. Under this program, eligible veterans could receive up to...