In Inglewood, California, Tom Brady, Taylor Swift, and comedy all play a role in Nikki Glaser's journey of learning about football. Glaser, known for her performance at the Tom Brady Roast, has made a name for herself among football...
The upcoming season of the beloved British drama series, Call the Midwife, won't grace our screens until 2025 (as season 14 is slated to premiere next March), but fans can still look forward to one final installment featuring the...
David Beckham and Victoria Beckham exuded elegance this Christmas Eve as they celebrated in style. The former soccer star, 49, and the Spice Girl, 50, donned their finest attire for the festive occasion, posing for pictures to mark the...
Spoiler Alert: If you haven't watched Season 6 of "Virgin River" on Netflix yet, be advised that the following text contains spoilers. In the popular show, the long-awaited wedding of main characters Mel and Jack was portrayed as a...
Peace lilies are a popular choice for indoor plants due to their beauty and low-maintenance nature. However, one common issue that peace lilies face is browning leaves, which can detract from their lush, tropical appearance. The causes of brown...
During the Color of the Year season, paint companies unveil their chosen hue for the upcoming year, after peering into their crystal balls. This time around, the standout favorite is purple. Forecasted by several paint companies, purple is set...
Winter pansies, also known as ice pansies (Viola hiemalis), add vibrant color to the garden during fall and winter. Available in various shades like blues, purples, reds, and pinks, they are a favored choice among gardeners seeking to enhance...
An Oregon man stands accused of manslaughter in connection with the death of his partner, Mary McDowell, whose lifeless body was discovered in a car along a rural road. The incident unfolded in Sherwood, Ore., where 64-year-old McDowell was...
A pregnant woman in Texas, identified as Mallori Patrice Strait, 33, reportedly attempted to flush a fetus down a toilet in a disturbing incident that unfolded at a Whataburger fast-food restaurant in San Antonio. The incident occurred last week...
An Oklahoma man, Jacob Mayhugh, 22, has been sentenced to life in prison for first-degree murder convictions after confessing to killing his family at their shared home. He avoided the death penalty by pleading guilty in connection with the...