Voyager, set sail in pursuit of an advance ticket for a theater nearby. Director Christopher Nolan has unveiled his next project, "The Odyssey," an adaptation of the ancient Greek poem by Homer chronicling Odysseus' arduous journey home after the...
Former President Bill Clinton, aged 78, has been hospitalized at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C., following a bout of fever. According to Angel Ureña, Clinton's deputy chief of staff, the former president was admitted for testing and...
Disco legend Alfa Anderson, a key member of Nile Rodgers' Chic band, passed away on December 16 at the age of 78. Her publicist, Tonya Hawley, shared the news with Entertainment Weekly, emphasizing Anderson's enduring impact on fans, friends,...
The manslaughter case involving Alec Baldwin has been concluded. Special prosecutor Kari Morrissey has decided to withdraw her appeal of a judge's order dismissing the case. Baldwin was accused of involuntary manslaughter in the tragic death of cinematographer Halyna...
A New Mexico criminal case against actor Alec Baldwin stemming from a fatal shooting on the set of his movie "Rust" in 2021 concluded on Monday, as Special Prosecutor Kari Morrissey opted to drop her appeal of the case's...
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Marriott Kauai
This past year has been quite a journey. At Harper’s Bazaar, we have delved into the ever-evolving world...
A man facing murder charges in connection with the death of a woman who was set ablaze on a New York subway train was found to be in the United States unlawfully and had previously been deported, according to...
A storm is expected to bring wintry weather and travel disruptions ahead of Christmas Day in the Great Lakes and Northeast regions, including cities like Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C., according to AccuWeather meteorologists. Heavy...
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (AP) — Two individuals were rescued following a partial collapse of a pier in Santa Cruz, California, which resulted in a section of the structure falling into the ocean on Monday. The incident occurred amidst heavy...
Japanese automakers Honda and Nissan have agreed to explore a merger in a bid to become the world's third-largest automaker by sales amidst the industry's shift away from fossil fuels. In a memorandum of understanding signed on Monday, the...