Julian Lennon finds himself grappling with a health scare during this holiday season. The renowned British musician, famously known for being the son of iconic Beatles member John Lennon, recently opened up about his battle with skin cancer in...
Jesse Watters recounted the recent events surrounding Congress's spending bill on "Jesse Watters Primetime," shedding light on an intriguing turn of events that unfolded in Washington. The bill, initially a hefty document spanning 1,547 pages, underwent a significant transformation,...
Buzbee subsequently sent a letter demanding compensation from the woman's then-spouse, accusing him of infecting her. Despite this, Doe's ex continued with their divorce proceedings without hesitation, the complaint states. Before entering mediation, the man requested information about Buzbee,...
Christina Aguilera continues to shine brighter as time goes by. The renowned singer decided to celebrate her 44th birthday on December 18 by sharing a striking topless photo on Instagram. Captioned "Birthday suit," the black-and-white image captured Aguilera in...
Pluto and Goofy will soon be welcoming new furry friends at the Disney parks and cruises as the beloved Bluey and the Heeler family make their debut next month! On December 19, Disney delighted fans by announcing that characters...
Jack and Mel finally exchange vows in the Season 6 finale, marking a beautiful and heartfelt moment. However, their wedding day is not without its challenges. Mel's biological father, Everett, suffers a heart attack on the morning of the...
Justin Herbert shined on Thursday night, leading the Chargers with impressive plays despite a costly interception. He orchestrated key touchdown drives, showcasing his arm strength and precision. Herbert's performance included a highlight-reel touchdown pass to Derius Davis and crucial...
Karl-Anthony Towns showcased his dominance with a stellar performance, tallying 32 points and a whopping 20 rebounds in a triumphant return to Minnesota as he led the spirited New York Knicks to a resounding 133-107 victory over the Timberwolves...
The promising young cricketer, Sam Konstas, has been handed a significant opportunity as he receives a call-up to the Australian squad for the final two matches of the Australia-India test series. This exciting development comes at the expense of...