
Artifacts smuggled to Germany 127 years ago returned to Nigeria!


Olugbile Holloway, Director General of Nigeria's National Commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM), said in a statement that historical artifacts from the Kingdom of Benin smuggled to Germany were handed over to authorities in Edo state.

Holloway noted that among the artifacts delivered were bronzes and royal stools smuggled abroad in 1897.

Stating that the historical artifacts will be exhibited in the museum, Holloway emphasized that efforts will continue to revive and exhibit culture and heritage.

Hundreds of historical artifacts, including the bronze statue of "Oba" belonging to Nigeria during the pre-colonial and colonial periods, are exhibited in various museums in the USA and European countries.

Although Nigeria continues to insist on the return of historical artifacts smuggled during the colonial period, some countries, especially the UK, are not warm to the idea of returning historical artifacts.