Deciphering Tornado Alerts Watch vs. Warning Explained!

Deciphering the Enigmatic Tornado Alerts

A crucial aspect of ensuring safety during intense thunderstorms and tornadoes lies in understanding the distinction between a “watch” and a “warning,” as well as how to access these vital notifications from the National Weather Service.

Watch: Be Prepared
A tornado or severe thunderstorm watch is declared when existing weather conditions suggest the likelihood of tornadoes or severe thunderstorms. These watches are typically issued several hours before any severe weather materializes, encompassing broad geographic areas ranging from parts of a state to multiple states. They remain in effect for several hours until the potential threat subsides. The issuance of tornado and severe thunderstorm watches is the responsibility of NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center based in Norman, Oklahoma. On average, the SPC issues around 1,000 of these watches annually across the U.S. If a watch is issued for your vicinity, regard it as an early alert that severe weather may develop. Familiarize yourself with the nearest shelter and be prepared to seek refuge promptly should a warning be issued.

Warning: Take Immediate Action!
A tornado or severe thunderstorm warning is released when severe thunderstorms or tornadoes are either ongoing or indicated by radar. These warnings are disseminated by the local National Weather Service forecast office, typically covering portions of a county or multiple counties, and typically lasting between 20 to 60 minutes. Upon receiving a warning for your location, seek indoor shelter without delay. In the case of a tornado warning, swiftly move to a storm cellar, basement, or an interior room on the lowest floor, away from windows. If possible, don a helmet, grab a blanket, and wear hard-soled shoes for protection against debris. Time is of the essence during a warning; while most NWS warnings provide approximately 10 to 20 minutes of lead time, such duration may be shortened if a severe thunderstorm or tornado emerges suddenly. Refrain from wasting time peering out the window to validate the imminent threat.

Analogous Explanation
Another approach to comprehend the distinction between a watch and a warning, often shared on social media, utilizes a food analogy. As illustrated by members of the Normal, Illinois, Fire Department, consider tacos:
– “Taco watch” signifies that the ingredients for tacos are available.
– “Taco warning” indicates that tacos are currently being served.

How to Receive Watches and Warnings
Ensure you have multiple means of receiving severe weather watches and warnings, ranging from smartphone apps like The Weather Channel app to NOAA weather radio, local radio and TV stations. If there is a risk of severe weather while you are asleep, remember to disable the “do not disturb” setting on your smartphone to ensure you are awakened by any alerts. Jonathan Erdman, a seasoned meteorologist at with a passion for extreme and unusual weather phenomena, has been reporting on national and international weather patterns since 1996. Stay connected with him on Bluesky, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook


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