Many cats are not fans of their parents cleaning up around the house, even without the loud noise of a vacuum cleaner. Whenever my fiancé or I start doing the dishes, one of our cats will inevitably start crying in protest within just a few minutes. Cats can be mischievous creatures, and if they feel ignored in favor of housework, they will voice their displeasure.
Among all the household chores her mom performs, Banshee the Oriental Shorthair Cat despises nothing more than when her mom starts mopping. During “Mop Time,” Banshee is required to wear a leash, and in defiance, she cries like a baby to thwart her mom’s cleaning efforts!
It’s clear how Banshee earned her name! She dislikes wearing the leash or being separated from her mom, although her mom clarified in the comments that it’s to prevent Banshee from walking on wet surfaces or coming into contact with cleaning chemicals. However, Banshee fails to comprehend this rationale and instead throws a tantrum that echoes through the house.
Regrettably, Banshee’s mom faced criticism from some individuals who deemed leashing a cat for a short time as cruel, despite Banshee having access to a piddle pad, toys, and a cozy spot nearby. Yet, other pet owners with clingy pets were more understanding of her situation.
Oriental Shorthairs like Banshee are known for being affectionate and demanding of their owner’s attention. They are social, playful, and intelligent, making them great companions but also prone to throwing vocal protests when they are unhappy. Their wide range of vocalizations includes infant-like cries and a distinctive “honk” meow.
In essence, Banshee’s dramatic display during cleaning time is a common trait among Oriental Shorthairs, known for their loyalty, playfulness, and talkative nature.
“Honk-meow” sounds like a peculiar blend of sounds, evoking a mix of a car horn and a cat’s meow. It’s not surprising that Banshee’s neighbors would mistake her pitiful chore-time meows for a baby’s cries—and to be fair, Banshee kinda is a baby. As long as Banshee’s mom insists on maintaining good hygiene and clean floors, Banshee will always be there to complain about it. Ah, the many trials and tribulations of pet parenthood…