Man Charges After Driving Car ‘Completely Through’ Clarksburg House!

CLARKSBURG, W.Va. (WBOY) — A man is currently facing charges in connection with a high-speed chase that unfolded through Harrison County and culminated in a dramatic crash into a residence in Clarksburg. The Bridgeport Police Department reported that the suspect led officers on a pursuit that exceeded speeds of 120 mph, endangering the lives of many along the way.

In official documents, it is noted that on the early morning of January 5th at approximately 2:28 a.m., law enforcement officers stationed on Interstate 79 South in Bridgeport observed a Black Hyundai Santa Fe zooming past at an alarming 93 mph in a zone where the posted speed limit was 70 mph. Subsequent to this observation, officers initiated an attempt to pull over the speeding Santa Fe. However, the driver of the vehicle brazenly defied the request to stop and instead accelerated to over 120 mph. To further evade authorities, the driver clandestinely switched off the headlights and tail lights of the vehicle before exiting the interstate onto U.S. 50 West and then onto Pike Street in Clarksburg.

During the course of the pursuit on Pike Street, officers witnessed the Santa Fe accelerating to speeds exceeding 100 mph in an area where the speed limit was a mere 45 mph. The tense situation escalated when the Santa Fe crashed into a house on Kelly Street in Clarksburg, penetrating through the structure. Shockingly, the house was occupied at the time of the collision.

Following the crash, the driver of the Santa Fe attempted to flee the scene on foot, leaving behind four other occupants in the vehicle. Despite the absence of a visible registration on the Santa Fe after the collision, authorities were able to locate a registration card linked to Daylin Antonio Smith. Additionally, two passengers corroborated that Smith was indeed the driver during the ill-fated pursuit.

Subsequently, Smith has been formally charged with fleeing with reckless indifference. As of January 13th, his name does not appear within the database of the West Virginia Division of Corrections. This incident serves as a chilling reminder of the dangers posed by reckless driving and the profound impact it can have on innocent lives.

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