Actor James Woods shared on social media that his residence in Pacific Palisades miraculously survived the devastating Los Angeles wildfires that ravaged his neighborhood. In a post made on Friday, Woods expressed his disbelief and relief, stating, “A miracle has happened. We managed to get to our property and our home, that we were told is gone forever, is still standing.” The actor went on to acknowledge the relative nature of the term “standing” in the current scorched landscape, noting that while his home remains intact, it is not without smoke and other damages amid the widespread destruction surrounding it.
During the earlier part of the week, Woods, along with hundreds of thousands of others in the Los Angeles area, was compelled to evacuate as the wildfires rapidly expanded and grew in intensity. Through consistent updates shared on social media, Woods has been documenting the aftermath of the fires, revealing images of charred remnants of homes in close proximity to his own. Despite initial fears and doubts regarding the fate of his residence, Woods expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support and well-wishes from his followers, stating, “So many beautiful messages from all of you. I’m so happy and grateful, but honestly the entire area looks like the dark side of the moon.”
The wildfires in and around Los Angeles have not discriminated against individuals based on their status, affecting numerous celebrities who have come forward to share their own losses and damages. Public figures including Paris Hilton and Billy Crystal have confirmed the destruction of their homes or the extent of damages sustained as a result of the relentless blazes engulfing the region. Tragically, the wildfires have already claimed the lives of at least 10 individuals, with thousands of structures and vehicles meeting a similar fate, succumbing to the unforgiving flames.