32 Text Messages Your Horse Would Send You (If They Could, Of Course)!

Proper equine care relies not only on a solid foundation of horse knowledge but also on experience and keen instincts. One key tip for horse care is to develop the skill of interpreting the subtle signs that horses communicate and adjusting their care accordingly. This may involve making changes to their diet to ensure optimal weight and energy levels, or selecting the right blanket to maintain their comfort at the ideal temperature. It’s important to emphasize that we are addressing the needs of the horse, not just their wants. While some horses may vocalize their desires, it can be challenging to identify when a horse is experiencing pain or discomfort, or if they would benefit from different equipment or bedding in their stall.

Many horse owners wish that horses could communicate directly with them, leading the PetsRadar team to ponder the idea: what if horses could send text messages? Initially, this concept seems convenient as most owners are only a short distance away from their horses, allowing them to quickly check in on their well-being. However, knowing horses, they would likely find mischievous ways to exploit the power of instant messaging. Here’s a humorous take on how a horse’s text messages to their owner might play out:

1. “You’re running late!”
Sent at 7:03 am. Your horse is a punctual breakfast enthusiast and expects you to arrive promptly at 7 am.

2. “Do you have something else to offer?”
Despite placing the horse’s food in front of them, they express dissatisfaction, prompting you to find a more appealing addition to their meal.

3. “Where’s my hay?”
Although you provided enough hay, it has been concealed in the bedding due to the horse’s antics.

4. “The water trough is frozen!”
Your horse alerts you to the frozen water trough at 2 am, highlighting the round-the-clock responsibility of horse ownership.

5. “Can I swap pastures?”
Envious of a neighboring field with lush grass, your horse politely requests a change of scenery.

6. “Never mind, I’ll make my own move.”
Your horse takes matters into its own hooves, leaping over the electric fence to reach the tempting pasture next door.

7. “Ouch, I got zapped!”
Your horse notifies you of an encounter with the electric fence, hoping that no other mishaps have occurred.

8. “I see a threat!”
Startled by an unknown entity, your horse perceives it as a potential danger, possibly requiring your intervention.

9. “It’s spooky outside, let me back in!”
In windy conditions, everyday objects take on a menacing appearance, prompting your horse to seek refuge indoors.

1. Your horse has sent you a message filled with terror, seeking your guidance to lead them to the safety of the barn, where they can be made comfortable and enjoy munching on hay.
2. Just as you start the journey home, your horse requests to be let out. It seems they are already bored and want their blanket changed once again. It looks like they have some explaining to do.
3. The horse apologizes for the change in plans, realizing they no longer need their blanket and have managed to remove it themselves after galloping around and getting overheated.
4. In a messy turn of events, your sweaty and muddy horse somehow loses a shoe, requiring you to call the farrier for an urgent appointment, causing a financial and scheduling dilemma.
5. Despite the farrier being available promptly, your horse is too excited to be caught, making it challenging to get the shoe fixed on time.
6. In an unexpected twist, your horse overhears your comments about them to another person, feeling offended and calling you out on it.
7. Dusty, your horse’s pasture buddy, is causing annoyance, prompting your horse to request Dusty be taken away. However, loneliness soon sets in, and they want Dusty back.
8. After appreciating the clean bedding, your horse decides to soil it immediately upon entering, leaving you puzzled by their behavior.
9. Your horse has taken down various items from their stall walls, creating chaos in their living space.

Upon taking it upon themselves to strategically pull each item down and into his soon-to-be soiled bed, a sigh escaped our protagonist. The exclamation “OMG, my haynet’s empty!” reverberated in the air. A sense of suspicion lingered, as it had been a mere 45 minutes since bidding goodnight to the horse. Seeking further clarity, more information was requested.

Shortly thereafter, the revelation unfolded: “There’s literally nothing in it.” The request for a picture was met, revealing a haynet seemingly brimming, yet upon closer inspection, the equine informant declared the contents unsuitable, citing a peculiar taste. A return trip to the barn was evidently in order.

As the hay was emptied onto the floor, a surprising declaration followed: “This is delicious!” The mundane transformed into a gourmet delight, baffling the caretaker. A subsequent remark, “I know how you love mucking out, so I made the biggest mess I could for you!” hinted at a misinterpretation of motives. The act of stall cleaning, a daily chore borne out of necessity, was mistakenly perceived as a joyous pursuit. Although endearing, a gentle explanation may be warranted.

The narrative took an intriguing turn with the disclosure: “BTW, Buddy’s owner brought him a carrot this morning…” The horse’s subtle demand for a bribe underscored a newfound bargaining chip in the dynamic. A quick inventory of the refrigerator was advised to appease the discerning equine.

A cautionary note followed: “Just an FYI it’s muddy out here, but I promise to be careful.” The muddy terrain, previously overlooked, now posed a challenge. Skepticism surrounded the assurance of caution, prompting a wary eye towards ensuing events. The query, “Are you planning on riding?” hinted at an impending revelation, prompting a cautious response.

The cryptic reply, “No reason, but I hope you’re not in a rush,” raised suspicions further. Delving deeper into the matter yielded the unexpected confession: “So, full disclosure – I’m covered in mud.” The impending competition added urgency to the situation, emphasizing the need for pristine cleanliness within a tight timeframe.

A playful negotiation ensued: “I mean, you can bath me if you want, but you’ve got 20 minutes before I get bored.” The arduous task of bathing a horse was juxtaposed with the challenge of maintaining interest and compliance. The proposition to extend the timeframe for a suitable incentive hinted at the delicate balance of reward and coercion in equine care.

Expressing gratitude for the treats received, the equine companion professed: “Thank you for the treats. I love you soooooooo much.” The successful bath, albeit a laborious endeavor, culminated in a moment of mutual appreciation. With the treat pocket emptied, the horse stood immaculate, adorned with a blanket, poised to face the world anew.


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