Whoever claims that cats don’t miss people when they’ve been away is mistaken. Watch this video of a 19-year-old cat. Her mom was gone for the weekend, leaving her husband and teenage kid to care for her. Despite having them around, it wasn’t the same. She longed for her mom, and when she finally returned, the cat made it clear how much she missed her. It’s evident that this cat missed her mom, possibly even lying on her mom’s side of the bed before her return. Upon her mom’s arrival, the feline eagerly expressed her longing through vocalizations and sought affection. Some viewers joked that the cat was actually saying, “Take me with you next time.” Cats indeed miss their favorite humans when they’re apart. Despite not displaying affection as openly as dogs, cats can form deep bonds with their owners and feel their absence keenly. They may exhibit subtle signs like following you, head-butting, purring, or demanding extra attention upon your return. Disruption in routine due to a human’s absence can cause cats to feel sad and stressed. Just like other creatures, cats seek comfort and familiarity in their favorite person’s presence.